Lifestyle Articles

Baudelaire Blog
The Folklore Behind Five of Our Favorite Fragrances

Apr 10th 2019

The Folklore Behind Five of Our Favorite Fragrances

    Folklore may come with a heavy dose of embellishment, but look at any mythic sto…
All About Alcohol - Not THAT Kind!

Mar 4th 2019

All About Alcohol - Not THAT Kind!

    Perfume—fragrant, alluring, and full of…alcohol??? It’s true; ethanol, a simple,…
To Every Season a Scent

Dec 18th 2018

To Every Season a Scent

    Each season brings with it its own set of seductive scents, evoking powerful emo…
Exfoliation: Knowing When Enough is Enough

Sep 20th 2018

Exfoliation: Knowing When Enough is Enough

    Exfoliation rejuvenates those rock-hard heels, those elephant-skin elbows, those…
Which Direction Do You Brush?

Sep 6th 2018

Which Direction Do You Brush?

    Dry brushing has numerous proven benefits, from increasing circulation to improv…